Sunday, November 18, 2007

Entrepreneurship - a growing trend in Sweden

I was at IQube's mingle called IQlub on Thursday evening where Pontus Schultz the chef editor for the monthly periodical called "Weekly Business" (Veckans Affärer) gave a short talk on trends. A growing trend in Sweden is entrepreneurship as the financial climate boosts optimism and even entreprenuers themselves have been welcomed on the market. I think this is an important trend for several reasons:
1) Sweden needs entrepreneurs to attract investors and new businesses
2) Entrepreneurs create more competition - more competition means better service and prices for th end consumer
3) Women are leadning the way among entrepreneurs and have begun to start their own companies.

I really admire all these entrepreneurs as they are inspirational, innovative and setting trends for the rest of us who have not yet dared to take a step in this direction.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's inspiring to read that women are now leading entrepreneurship. Could it be that more educational and social opportunities are now available and that more women are taking charge of their lives. This is also the new trends here in Malaysia, especially in Penang island where i also have the priviledge of working with women entrepreneurs.